AIR Filtration, Air Filtration Systems & HEPA Air Filtration
It is a scientifically established fact that indoor pollutants can be 5 times higher than outdoor pollutants and that most homes naturally
generate about 40 pounds of dust per year for every 1,500 square feet of space. As a result allergy and asthma cases have grown exponentially, causing significant
health care cost increases. Children are even more at risk than the adults. They inhale 50% more air per pound of body weight than adults, so they are especially
sensitive to air quality problems. Recent medical data indicate that 54% of single-family homes with children have someone with a respiratory ailment.
Fortunately the new advanced air filtration systems can provide high quality whole
house air filtration for a very affordable price. Air filtration products are available for both residential and commercial HVAC systems. In the interest of combining air
comfort with air purity, we install whole-house air filtration and commercial air filtration
systems that can remove up to 99.98 percent of particles and allergens from the air you breathe. Many such air filtration systems are built as an integral part of the HVAC
systems we install.
HEPA filters are even more powerful in providing clean, healthy air. They are critical
in the prevention of the spread of airborne bacterial and viral organisms and, therefore, infection. More specifically,
medical-use HEPA filtration systems also incorporate high-energy ultra-violet light units to kill off the live bacteria and
viruses trapped by the filter media. Some of the best-rated HEPA units have an efficiency rating of 99.995%, which
assures a very high level of protection against airborne disease transmission.
Air Filtration – Additional reasons
- More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies.
- Many can improve their condition through an advanced HVAC system or electronic air filtration.
- 10-12 million Americans suffer from Asthma, including over 7.6 million children.
- Asthma cases have increased 86% between in the last 15 years.
- Each person sheds up to 700,000 skin scales per day generating abundant food for dust mites.
- About 40,000 dust mites can "thrive" in only one ounce of dust
- Approximately 10 to 15 percent of the population suffers from an allergy related to dust mites.